Wednesday 7 December 2011

Resistance: Fall of Man

A short one at the moment that originally was going to go in my main blog, Daily (Maybe), but I'm working on Skyward Sword for you and it'll be ready soon.

One of the Playstation's biggest franchises

After the release of Resistance 3 and the slew of amazing reviews it received I decided to get a copy of the original and see what the fuss is about. First off I have to say that I really really really tried to like this game but it had so many flaws in it that distracted me from enjoying it. The story felt like it was thrown together at the last minute, the controls are decent and fairly intuitive but nowhere near the standards of a next-gen game, even one released at the start of this console generation. The first alien weapon you can equip just feels like a cheat, basically press a button then hide and hold fire so you don't even have to be in any sort of danger, its a nice idea and probably could work quite well on harder difficulty levels where its important to stay in cover and you receive less ammo but on normal, as I was playing at the time, it just made the game far too easy. The graphics were just like the controls, just not up to scratch. Having played the first Ratchet and Clank game to appear on the PS3 (Tools of Destruction) which is developed by the same company (Insomniac Games) I expected the graphics to be fairly decent and they were good, but not next-gen good. These, among other things, have put me off the Resistance series and although I will be trying the most recent release I doubt I will return to the first or second instalments.

X-Box: IkasuKiller
PS3: Ikasu-Killer 

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